Using Ruby as a .NET language

John Lam has created an initial version of RubyCLR which allows you to use Ruby through the .NET CLR. Although there is no support for generics or marshaling of user-defined value types it is still a very interesting release. Microsoft will undoubtedly monitor his progress closely. Maybe he will go the same way as Jim Hugunin who created IronPython and then joined Microsoft’s CLR team.

February 2, 2006 · Peter Krantz

Setting up the Interactive Ruby Shell (IRB) for non-english keyboards on Windows XP

For some reason it is difficult to use the [] and {} characters when using IRB with a non-english keyboard on Windows XP. To get it working together with tab completion: Create a new environment variable called “HOME” and set it to your user home folder (e.g. C:\Documents and Settings\peterk). Create a text dcument called “.inputrc” in your user home folder with the following content: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 "M-[": "[" "M-]": "]" "M-{": "{" "M-}": "}" "M-\": "\" "M-|": "|" "M-@": "@" "M-~": "~" Make sure irb....

December 20, 2005 · Peter Krantz